Why Test

DNA provides deep insight into your health, giving your child a lifetime of personalized healthcare

How it Works

Initiate your child's genetic health screening in 5 easy steps.

Disease Screening

Fore provides the most comprehensive disease screening, designed for newborns, infants and children

Medication Insights

Personalized guidance on medications helps avoid the possibility of adverse reactions or overdosing


Annual updates ensure the latest in genomics research is provided to you and your child

DNA is the blueprint of your child's health: Why is genetic health screening important?

Newborn genetic testing is the most recent pediatric healthcare innovation that is a must learn for every parent. Understanding your child's genetic health can answer questions on their risk of inherited genetic disease and genetic variants that occur during development. Start a lifetime of genetic insights today with Fore Genomics' genetic health screen.

11% of children are born with genetic predisposition to disease.

An estimated 30,000,000 Americans live with genetic disease.  With 70% of genetic diseases surfacing during childhood, parents have the opportunity and challenge to face unknown symptoms and care for their child. Parents can have both science and knowledge on their side with a comprehensive care plan that incorporates everything genetic science can tell them about their little one.

By understanding your child’s genetics, you’re equipped to address their risk of genetic disease proactively, rather than reactively, transforming the fear of the unknown into the strength of being an informed, proactive parent.

Your child’s genetic health is unique

Your child's DNA is responsible for their unique and amazing traits. The underlying knowledge of their current and future health is equally empowering for parents.

Personalize every step of your child's health journey with preventative genetic health screening.

Today's questions

Get information on your child's current genetic health and inherited disease risk.

Tomorrow’s protection

Monitor your child for genetic risk symptoms and intervene with pediatric care plans.

A lifetime of security

Every year, get updated with new genetic health discoveries that are relevant to your child.

Improved Health Management: Intervene early in your child's health

Early detection means early action, leading to improved care plans, better symptom management, and crucially, the mitigation of outcomes. It transforms the quality of life, reducing the severity of conditions before they have a chance to take root. When parents are informed early, they can act early.

Proactive Health: A brighter path forward

  1. Diet Decisions

    Parents can follow diets that delay, reduce or even prevent onset of health conditions.

  2. Lifestyle Choices

    Parents can start their children with activities that will impact onset of symptoms.

  3. Therapy & Medication Options

    Parents can start therapies early to help manage their child’s condition.

  4. Informed Provider Relationship

    Start the most informed and impactful relationship with your healthcare provider, with testing results certified for provider use and support for your provider as needed.

Powerful pediatric care made easy

Fore is designed to partner with parents and physicians through the process of children’s genetic health screening. Our mission is to make personalized precision medicine for children accessible through convenient delivery and service. Don't see your question answered? Please contact us

Our physician-approved process:

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Fore follows every necessary guideline to ensure that your child's genetic health screen is physician approved and your results are approved for clinical use with your pediatrician and providers.

Getting Started


When you’re ready to proceed, completing your purchase online is easy. We’ll then welcome you to our secure online portal, where you’ll provide information about your family and your child that can be reviewed by our doctors.

Pre-test Counseling


After completing enrollment and approval by our doctors, you’ll be invited to set up a pre-test genetic consultation. This ensures you’re fully informed before proceeding.

Providing a Sample


A sample collection kit will arrive in the mail, complete with simple instructions for a cheek swab. It’s quick, painless, and the only thing you’ll need to do. Return the kit to our lab using the provided mailer. Once your sample arrives, we’ll notify you that testing is underway. Our labs take 4-6 weeks once the sample is received to generate a clinical report.

Reviewing your child’s genetic health report


After screening, you’ll receive a notification to schedule a results consultation with our genetic counselors. This is a chance to understand your child’s report and ask any questions. We encourage involving your pediatrician or family doctor if you wish.

Continued support and education


After receiving your report, our support doesn’t end. Maintain access to our secure online portal and receive on-going education about health conditions relevant to your child and family.

One test, one time, for a lifetime of health insight

Complete our simple process once, and you're done. Every year our genetic health screen is enhanced with the latest in childhood genetic condition discovery from the global health and genetic research community. No further action required. Know more about your child's health every year.

Exceeding standards in quality and care

We’re committed to excellence in every aspect of our service. This includes:

Designed for the long haul

Our science is not just about providing answers; it’s about offering security and support for your family’s health journey over the long term. By sequencing 100% of your child’s DNA and continuously updating our gene lists in line with clinical guidance, we ensure that the invaluable care we provide today continues to expand and grow annually. With Fore, you’re choosing a partner dedicated to bringing the very best to your family, every year, every step of the way.

Children's Genetic Health Screening

Fore Genomics' genetic health screen is an extension of the preventative pediatric health children receive at birth with Newborn Screening (NBS). Preventative health focuses on understanding health before symptoms and conditions occur. Sequence all of your child's 22,000 genes with this one-time test and be more prepared for every health event in their future. One test, one time, a lifetime of insight.

Children are born with a copy of their mom’s DNA and their father’s DNA and are susceptible to inherited genetic mutations and de novo genetic mutations, occurring during development. DNA is constant for life, so early knowledge is impactful and prepares families for health management. No amount of family health history tracking can compare to your child's full genome sequenced and screened for known pediatric health risks.

The most comprehensive genetic screening for children

What makes a children's genetic health screen comprehensive? A physician-approved 100% Whole Genome Sequenced (WGS) screen approved for clinical use with expert support from genetic counselors is the best screen for your child.

Currently at 500+ health conditions covered, significantly extending state-mandated newborn screening (~50 conditions) by over 10x.

Genetics allows more screening capability in health condition categories (e.g. neurological, metabolic and cardiovascular) and covers medication reactions.

A solution growing annually with science

$5B in annual research is focused on furthering innovation of preventative genetic health solutions.

Annually, Fore's genetic experts review the findings of annual research and adds up to 100 new children's genetic conditions to our screen.

Get a Fore Genomics Health Membership and screen your child for thousands of conditions throughout their childhood.

The power of early detection

Fore gives parents a head start on the rest of their amazing journey with their little one. Advanced notice, education and empowerment can lead families into the right activities, diet, therapeutics and provider care planning that can delay, reduce and even eliminate the onset of genetic health conditions. Knowledge is Power!

Tailored medication approach for EVERY child

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The way individuals respond to medications is personalized, influenced by genetic factors that affect how drugs are metabolized.

Reduce the risk of drug reactions and get the right medication

Personalized Pharmacogenomics

Our screening includes how your child’s body processes over 40 medications across 20 therapeutic areas. This information is valuable in avoiding adverse drug reactions, which account for a significant percentage of pediatric hospitalizations.


Lifelong Utility

A comprehensive pharmacogenomics report becomes a critical tool for healthcare providers. It guides medication selection and dosing, ensuring that treatments are precisely tailored to your child’s genetic makeup.

Genetic variants in your child can affect medication metabolism. Utilize Fore's genetic health screening for personalized medication recommendations based on their DNA.

Fore’s pharmacogenomic reporting provides the most recent clinical research data, along with evidence-based recommendations, ensuring you stay updated on the latest pharmacogenomic insights for your child.

Make informed decisions for a healthier future

A childhood of preventative genetic health, updated annually

Why Fore Genetic Health Membership? Update your child's preventative genetic health and care planning annually. No new screening, just new knowledge.

Continuous Genetic Monitoring and Reporting

Benefit from ongoing annual updates on your child’s genetic profile as genetic science and medicine strive to learn more about the indicators of human health, ensuring that care strategies evolve with the latest discoveries.

Expert Care Planning Support

Get the very best in genetic counseling to translate new health insights into individualized care for your child. Annual update reports and genetic counseling sessions are approved for clinical use and welcome provider participation.

Proactive Health Management

Stay ahead with real-time insights into potential genetic predispositions, empowering you to proactively safeguard your child’s well-being at every growth stage.

From infancy to adolescence

We’re committed to giving you excellent benefits in your membership during all stages.

Learn More

Our DNA is a blueprint of information, offering deep insights into our health, heritage, and future. The field of genomics is ever-expanding, revealing new possibilities for enhancing human health each day.

Unveiling the Mysteries of DNA. We invite you to our Learning Center, a dynamic resource designed to share not only Fore’s insights but also the latest developments from the wider world of genetic science.